Health & Safety Policy



The company uses the ‘Peninsula Health & Safety BrightSafe’ Online portal to manage and maintain all Health & Safety related processes, record keeping, reviewing, and monitoring documents. Including: 


On-site assessment – Health & safety experts will attend all our sites to identify any risks and hazards. 


Annual reviews – Health & safety experts review our health & safety policies, processes and procedures and give advice on how to keep our business and our service users safe. 


Time saving software – BrightSafe, health & safety software allows us to manage our risk assessments, reportable RIDDOR, documents and processes in one secure place online. This software also includes RIDDOR registers and regional action logs, showing any actions implemented during the previous three years, to help prevent reoccurrence.  


This policy sets out the principles and arrangements for health, safety and welfare at FST. 


FST aims to provide an environment and conditions, which are safe, so far as is reasonably practicable, and without risk to the health, safety and welfare of staff, learners, visitors, contractors and other members of the public who may be affected by the activities of the Company whilst on occupied sites. 


The company recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer to consult with trade union health and safety representatives and to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees. 


This policy aims to promote, and takes into account, the requirements of the “Safe Learner” Concept and “Every Child Matters” this document should be used in conjunction with the new Safeguarding Policy 


FST recognises that, although Health and Safety legislation takes precedence, it needs to act responsibly with due regard to the need to promote equality for all members of the organisation. 




FST will take all reasonable measures required to meet its general duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (as amended) 2002, in the provision of: 


  • a safe place to work and study, with safe access and egress, 
  • plant and equipment that are safe and without risk of harm, 
  • safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and hazardous substances (HACCP) 
  • safe systems of work, 
  • suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees and learners to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety, 
  • adequate and suitable welfare facilities. 

FST will ensure that adequate planning and consultation takes place to ensure compliance with future legislation. 


FST recognises that it has a duty of care to contractors. Contractors are required to recognise their duty of care to FST and will be required by the terms of the contract to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc.  


Act and subordinate regulations. 


FST will ensure the provision of competent advice on all health, safety and welfare matters. 




In addition to this overall plan, the Company will develop and maintain a framework of health and safety policies and procedures including, 


  • Company-wide policies and procedures regarding health and safety matters common to most parts of the organisation. 
  • Sector health and safety policies and procedures specific to each department, each having regard to the working practices in that area. 

FST will undertake a programme of risk assessments to identify hazards and risks arising from any work activity and implement appropriate controls to reduce the risk of injury or ill health as far as reasonably practicable. 


FST will provide appropriate procedures for dealing with emergencies such as fire and major incidents. 


FST will provide suitable and sufficient staff training on all aspects of health, safety and welfare. 


FST will provide systems for reporting, investigating and recording all accidents and incidents. 


FST will carry out health and safety inspections at all sites, and this will be recorded.  Health and safety inspections of our employer premises will follow the HASP system and be monitored on the MIS system 


FST will ensure that all contractors are given health and safety induction training and are made aware of any hazards that may affect them whilst on company’s premises.  


FST will require all contractors to provide method statement(s) and risk assessments for their work prior to commencement of the contract. 




The Managing Director of FST, have ultimate responsibility for health, safety and welfare at the Company. 


The Managing Director is the ‘duty holder’ having day to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is implemented. 


Heads of department are responsible for implementing this policy within their own sections of the business. 


Heads of Departments and are responsible for implementing the Companies health and safety policy and procedures within their own departments on a daily basis. 


Heads of Departments and Business managers are responsible for ensuring that; 


  • risk assessments are carried out and any control measures are implemented and followed, 
  • safe working practices are developed, maintained and reviewed as necessary, 
  • suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision are provided for all staff and that all training is recorded. 
  • staff and learners are provided with information on emergency, ill health and accident procedures. 
  • all hazards, accidents and incidents are reported promptly, recorded and appropriate action taken to reduce the risk of re-occurrence. 

 Delivery Staff shall instruct learners on the Company’s health and safety procedures at the start of every course. This will include; fire safety and emergency evacuation procedures, how to report hazards and accidents and how to obtain first aid treatment. 


The designated Health and Safety lead will report regularly to the Managing Director. He will ensure that the provisions of the health and safety policy are carried out. 


Additionally, the designated Health and Safety lead will advise Company staff on all aspects of health, safety and welfare and will be responsible for; 


  • Reviewing and updating the policy and supporting procedures. 
  • Communicating the requirements of the policy and procedures to all staff. 
  • Providing appropriate consultation arrangements with staff  
  • Providing and/or obtaining specialist advice, as required. 
  • Ensuring that provision of first aid, fire safety arrangements, emergency evacuation and major incident procedures are in place. 
  • Assisting staff to carry out and review risk assessments and advising on appropriate control measures. 
  • Ensuring health and safety information is readily available to staff and Learners as appropriate. 
  • Providing induction training for all new staff on the FST’s health and safety requirements and the basic principles of fire safety and back care. 
  • Providing sufficient instruction, information and training to enable staff, learners and contractors to avoid hazards and contribute to their own health and safety. 
  • Monitoring the reporting and recording of accidents and incidents and leading on any investigation as required. 
  • Informing the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and/or Skills Funding Agency of any reportable (RIDDOR) events when appropriate. 
  • Maintaining his/her competence by attending specialist seminars and meetings when required. 

Every employee has a general duty, under The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts and omissions whilst at work. 


Every member of staff has a responsibility to: 


  • Ensure that they comply with this policy. 
  • Comply with health and safety procedures and guidelines to enable them to work safely. 
  • Co-operate with managers to ensure the policy and associated procedures are implemented on a daily basis. 
  • Work safely and refrain from any activity that may endanger themselves or others. 
  • Not intentionally interfere with, or misuse equipment and facilities provided for their health and safety at work. 
  • Use the companies reporting procedures to record any hazards, potential risks, unsafe conditions, accidents or incidents that arise from their work activities. 
  • Participate in any health and safety training provided. 

Learners have a responsibility for their own health and safety and for the health and safety of those around them. 

Learners should also accept a personal responsibility for safety, adopting a standard of behaviour appropriate to the situation and following safety procedures and guidelines provided for their safety. 




The Company Managing Director will monitor the effective implementation of this policy. 


An annual audit of health and safety will be carried out and incorporate risk assessment reviews, site inspections, training records and analysis of accident statistics. 


Departmental audits/inspections will be carried out throughout the year to monitor how the policy and relevant procedures are being implemented. 


Staff and learner accident and incident statistics will be monitored by Leadership & Management Team and reviewed by the Managing Director on a term by term basis. 




This policy may be amended as and when it becomes necessary due to any significant changes in local arrangements or in statutory requirements.