Visitor Policy
Rationale and Definition
For the purposes of this policy we define visitors as being all those on the company sites who are not employed by the company.
Forward Step Training Limited acknowledges that a whole range of people will visit the sites for a variety of reasons. The sites are committed to making use of appropriate external visitors be it learners, maintenance or suppliers.
The Company recognises that it is important to ensure that visitors support the company’s objectives and are appropriately qualified, the visit is planned in advance and the anticipated outcomes are clear.
The safety and welfare of staff and learners is of paramount concern.
Visitors will always be treated courteously and made to feel welcome on site.
The site will ensure that where appropriate, the visitor has been subjected to relevant safeguarding checks.
Confidentiality and Protection
The company is very aware of our duty of care towards our learners, particularly when sensitive areas are to be discussed. All visitors will be required to work within existing company policies, work inside professional boundaries.
Before the Visit
- The member of staff responsible will give careful consideration to the aims and anticipated outcomes of inviting an outside visitor to the site, and to what type of person will be best suited to meet these aims.
- The member of staff responsible will ensure the visitor is from a reputable organisation.
- Visitors will be aware of the company policies on health and safety, behaviour, and any specific policies relating to the visit.
- As part of our security procedures visitors are required to use the access control panel located next to the main external reception door to request entry to the building.
- All contractors will sign in and be issued with an identification badge They will be met by a member of the Premises Team and supervised as appropriate during the visit.
- All contractors will be subject to the appropriate safeguarding procedures.
- All contractors will complete the permit to work documentation (when relevant).
On Arrival
- Visitors must be met by a member of staff at the appointment time and must not be left in Reception to wait
During the Visit
- The member of staff will ensure that the visitor is supervised at all times.
- Staff will be briefed annually with reminders termly on the contents of this policy.
- Main Office and Reception staff will be trained in the implementation of this policy.
- Staff are encouraged to challenge anyone on the site that are suspicious. In the event of them not being recorded as an official visitor they must be escorted to the reception to sign in. In the event of resistance to this request make contact with the main reception as a matter of urgency.